News & publications

Timely updates on South Alabama’s timeless landscape. Get the latest on events, accomplishments, challenges and opportunities on the horizon. Informed neighbors are an important part of our healthy habitat!

Recent news articles

30 Years. 30 Supporters.

As part of our 30th anniversary celebration, we are telling stories of 30 individuals who have put their stamp on local conservation through their time, talent or treasure. We hope that in reading their stories you will meet an assortment of like-minded people who enjoy the abundance of natural resources—the land, the water, and the wildlife—in south Alabama, and who are doing their part to protect what we have today, and for the tomorrows of those who come behind us.

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Protecting Dog River

SALT and the City of Mobile entered into a conservation easement agreement to protect 96 acres on Perch Creek, a tributary of Dog River.

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National accreditation renewed

SALT has been awarded renewed land trust accreditation – proving once again that, as part of a network of more than 400 accredited land trusts nationwide, we are committed to professional excellence and to maintaining the public’s trust in our conservation work.

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Winning photos revealed

Some of the area’s best amateur photographers produced stunning images of the splendors of nature for the 20th annual SALT-Weeks Bay Photo Contest.

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30 Years. 30 Supporters

Over the next year 12 months, SALT will celebrate 30 years of conservation by telling stories from 30 supporters that have helped us become the organization we are today.

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