Annual Photography Contest

It’s all in how you see it—bring your unique perspective on nature to our photography contest. Each image is an act of preservation.

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SALT Photo Contest

Every year, South Alabama Land Trust invites amateur photographers to submit photos that showcase the natural beauty throughout coastal Alabama . . . the way the sunlight touches a leaf, or a baby sea turtle takes its first steps on snow-white sand.  The images the photographers capture help underscore why it is critically important that we protect our natural resources. Photos in our annual contest are seen throughout the year, with photo credit, in SALT publications, on our website, and social media @southalabamalandtrust.

This year’s contest has three categories: Fauna, Flora, and People in Nature. 


Photo Contest guidelines

Please read the guidelines, waiver, and how to submit photos for the 2024 Photo Contest which is open September 1 - midnight November 1.

Best in Show - John Matthew Erickson, "Hunkered Down" - Dauphin Island, AL

Junior Winners (16 years and younger)

Open Winners

Honorable Mention

Best in Show

  • John Matthew Erickson

Junior Fauna

  1. Garrek Snell
  2. Zoe Doll 
  3. Abigail Krause

Junior Flora 

  1. Sophia Haines
  2.  Monroe Partin
  3. Garrek Snell

Junior People in Nature 

  1. Isabelle Daniell
  2. Boyce Magli
  3. Katlyne Rucker



Open Fauna

  1. Eric Haskell
  2. Beth Tattersall
  3. Brent Eanes

Open Flora

  1. Karen Chiasson
  2. Kelsey Pruitt
  3. Laurie Schaerer

Open People in Nature

  1. Gwen Ainsworth
  2. Brent Eanes
  3. Gwen Ainsworth

Honorable mention: 

  • Paul Dovie- Open Fauna
  • Arthur Davis- Open Fauna 
  • Mark Watts- Open Fauna
  •  Arthur Davis- Open Flora